Friday, September 18, 2015

The Largest Arts Festival in the World.

Here's a catalog I picked up
for free. It contains the events
tickets & prices of every

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for 3 weeks right in Edinburgh where we were. We met a couple our age on the plane which flew in to Edinburgh who were attending the Fringe and had been doing so regularly for the past 7 years. And there were performers on our plane who had traveled from America to participate in the Fringe. Maridith and Bobby did get to take advantage of the Circus.

Here's a stock picture of what the
street may look like during an event.

A stock picture of the street crowd.

My picture of a early Fringe
street scene.

Getting some 'eats' at the Fringe. It
was sort of like eating at the fair
in the US.

We were in high hopes to get to see the Edinburgh Tatoo,
but, alas, that didn't work out. But I wasn't disappointed
as I did get to hear several pipe bands performing later on.
A picture I took on the street.
Interesting looking couple,
don't you think?

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